IoT System for sensoring and monitoring

General Scenario/Features:
- Client: – Router-Server #1 – Server#2 system of general purposes.
- Client: MECOnet IoT node, the device that monitor home/office signals as temperature, humidity, occupancy etc.. It is connected to home Wi-Fi spot and sends data to IoT Server;
- Router: Home/Office/Factory WiFi spot.
- Server #1 : Any of commercial IoT platforms with API etc ThingSpeak;
- Server #2: The server of the user that visualise data from IoT server and send back some values, tasks.

In our case, the wire sensor S1 for measure the temperature and humidity in home/home office, sends the date via home/office WiFi to Server#1 (IoT Server like ThingSpeak), which is seen by Server #2 in our case
Location of the device
Energy monitoring example (on-line)
Control of the temperature in house on remote location
Last values
The last values are shown from ThingSpeak Channel
Regulate temperature
As example: put -100 to off system, 21 to set temperature threshold on 21.
Related solutions and literature
Our SMART portofolio:

Several solutions are developed under the H2020 project SMART4ALL:
Smart Health (Health IoT systems and wearables)

Smart Energy (IoT systems for smart energy monitoring and management)

Smart Agriculture (Systems and sensors for smart agriculture)