MECOnet is an innovative spin-off company established by experienced scientists, university professors, industrial and service experts with the aim to bridge the gap between academia and research institutions and practitioners. It originated from MANT and its embeddecomputing.me project as a step forward in their mission. MECOnet advances scientific and technological progress and fosters technological innovation and excellence. We promote core values of science and technology for better humanity.

MECOnet accomplishes its mission through core activities: Institute (Research), Projects, Education, Products, Events, Publications and Social Engagement.

MECOnet short profile (ENG)

Vision and Mission

The vision of our efforts is to create a sophisticated consulting and research environment, to promote entrepreneurship and creativity among young and talented Mediterranean researchers, with the stress on computing and ontology for global environment and global peace:

According to recent strategic studies, the Mediterranean circle is of crucial importance for both issues, especially if it synergizes with the Alpic High Lands in symbiosis with researchers from the leading planetary labs.
The mission supporting the above vision, involves two Nobel Laureates, dedicated to entrepreneurship and creativity of young and talented, involves cooperation with researchers from major labs in Massachusetts, USA, with experiences in environment and defence, as well as with the researchers of some major universities in the MidWest of the USA, and also involves cooperation with distinguished professors and universities of Alpic countries of Europe as well as overall Europe and Worldwide.

MECOnet Institute is a unit of MECOnet responsible for advanced research in various fields of science and technology (HiTech), with emphasis on computing and ontology.
It is governed by the boards composed of outstanding experts and scientists worldwide. It is certainly the only Western Balkan innovative company that has Nobel laureates at its board. More about MECOnet Institute.

Traditional premier Events/Conferences/Summer Schools of MECOnet are:

  • Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)
  • International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things (CPS&IoT)
  • Summer School on Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things (SSCPS&IoT)
  • More about MECOnet Events !

MECOnet is very active in complementary education in fields of: engineering, science and technological entrepreneurship.
Educational function is realized through: Thematic Summer Schools and Training, Internships, Study stays for specific research, Study stays for research and practical work for Dipl, MSc and PhD, Stays for acquiring practical knowledge and skills, Targeted Summer Schools and Trainings. A recognizable educational product of MECOnet is Summer School on Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things (SSonCPSIoT).

MECOnet is open for young creative people willing to work in high technologies. If you like if you want to volunteer, try to get a job with us or get involved in a project, more
MECOnet offers E-Commerce service for its services and products, more

MECOnet publishes learning and development material for researchers, engineers, students and practitioners.

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