Self-sustained customized cyberphysical system experiments for capacity building among European stakeholders (SMART4ALL)


  • FINAL CALL – 3rd CTTE Open Call – register for the webinar (7th December 2022 – 10:30-12:00 CET)
  • SMART4ALL at Smart AgriTechnology EXPO “SmAg Tech Expo 2022” (23-24/11/2022) (more)
  • SMART4ALL 3rd CTTE and FTTE Regional Webinar held in Novi Sad (5/10/2022) (more)
  • Our workflow of activities, (more)


Self-sustained customized cyberphysical system experiments for capacity building among European stakeholders, a four year 8,000,000 Euros flagship EU project under the call DT-ICT-01-2019: Smart Anything Everywhere for connecting Digital Innovation Hubs across Europe. The project received the highest score in the evaluation and will start within 2019.

The SMART4ALL consortium consists of 25 European partners with interdisciplinary skills and know-how from universities, research institutes, investors, networking organizations, SMEs, Innovation Hubs and NGOs. The MECOnet is only partner from Montenegro.

The project will build capacity (via Open Calls) amongst European stakeholders through the development of self-sustained, cross-border experiments that transfer knowledge and technology between academia and industry. It targets CLEC (Customized low energy computing) CPS/IoT and combines a set of unique characteristics that join together different cultures, policies, geographical areas and application domains under a common vision.

The application domains targeted are digitized transportation, digitized agriculture, digitized environment and digitized anything.

Project website

SMART4ALL marketplace

Open Calls

Are you a System Integrator and/or Technology Provider with experience in the development of CLEC CPS/IoT solutions? Find out the different ways you can join the SMART4ALL Ecosystem in South, Eastern and Central Europe, search for partners and apply to our open calls. Open calls provide unique opportunity to get small or medium grant for your idea.

Temporary SMART4ALL offers three types of grants:

Knowledge Transfer Experiments (KTE), more

KTEs are a short-term (3 months) internship projects between two different entities from two different Countries (see eligible countries below): one Academic/Industrial partner who act as Sending Organization and one Academic/Industrial partner who act as Host Organization.

Knowledge Transfer Experiments (KTE) comprise a novel type of experiments allowing smaller projects, or less mature ideas to be presented, tested and thus potentially find the fertile ground to grow and reveal its product potentials.

The activities that qualify for financial support are related to the exchange of knowledge of CLEC for CPS and IoT, to be applied in four SMART4ALL verticals with European leadership and strategic importance:

  • Digitized Transport
  • Digitized Environment
  • Digitized Agriculture
  • Digitized Anything

Who can apply?

The following types of organisations are eligible to participate in the call:

  • Universities and other Academic Institutions.
  • SME and Slightly Bigger Companies, as defined in the EU recommendation 2003/361. Slightly Bigger Companies are defined respectively as organisations with a staff headcount below 500 employees and a turnover below €100M.
  • System Integrators and/or Technology Providers, i.e. any type of organisation specialised in technology transfer or system integration, serving the needs of end-users, provided they can be categorised in one of the two previous types of beneficiaries.

For this KTE Open Call, a Sending and Host organisation shall apply together as a consortium. The members of the consortia can agree on a bi-directional transfer of knowledge but there has to be always an organisation sending a member of its staff to an organisation from another country hosting him or her. Additionally, the Leading Partner must always have an Industrial partner status (SME or Slightly Bigger company).

Eligible Countries

For this KTE Open Call, the following countries will be eligible:

Prioritised Countries

Additionally, since one of the goals of SMART4ALL is to support the digital transformation in mainly European countries underrepresented in European funding schemes, by means of cross-border experiments, consortia including at least one member from one of the SEE countries will be prioritised:

Albania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Ukraine

Financial support

The KTE experiments will be supported with a lump sum of up to EUR 8,000 each to cover mobility allowance for implementing the internship.

The consortia will be free to distribute this amount among the two partners. However:

  • Each consortium will need to explain in the online application form how the amount will be distributed between the partners and what category of costs each partner will be responsible for.
  • The grant will be paid to the Leading Partner who will be responsible for its distribution within the consortium. Each consortium will decide which organisation will be the Leading Partner, but it must always have an Industrial Partner status (SME or Slightly Bigger company. Details of the grant distribution among partners will be described in the Sub-Grant Agreement.
  • Before deciding on the distribution of expenditure in the project, attention should be paid to EU and national social security regulations. Social security costs should be borne by the partner who is obliged to do so under the above-mentioned regulations.

Apply here
Guide for applicants

For time line of the calls pls. refer to…

Focused Technology Transfer Experiments (FTTE), 1st call closed, more

FTTEs (Focused Technology Transfer Experiments) are short-term (6-9 months) cross-border experiments between two different entities (industrial or academic) from two different eligible countries. The projects will focus on one of the four following defined verticals and will give the opportunity to form synergies, accelerate product orient projects and offer guidance towards successful commercialisation.

  • Digitized Transport
  • Digitized Environment
  • Digitized Agriculture
  • Digitized Anything

One partner (industrial or academic) from one eligible country transfers a particular novel hardware or software technology in the domain of Customized Low-Energy Computing (CLEC) for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and the Internet of Things (IoT) to a receiving industry partner (SME or Slightly Bigger Company) from a different eligible country.

Who can Apply?

The SMART4ALL cross border Experiments have to be proposed by a Consortium including the following type of applicants:

Universities and other Academic Institutions.

SME and Slightly Bigger Companies, as defined in the EU recommendation 2003/361. Slightly Bigger Companies are defined respectively as organisations with a staff headcount below 500 employees and a turnover below €100M.

System Integrators and/or Technology Providers, i.e. any type of organisation specialised in technology transfer or system integration, serving the needs of end-users, provided they can be categorised in one of the two previous types of beneficiaries.

Proposals can be submitted by any of the aforementioned type of entities, but the participation of, at least, one SME/Slightly Bigger Company is compulsory and should be the lead of the cross-border experiment.

Eligible Countries

For this FTTE Open Call, the following countries will be eligible:

The Member States of the European Union including United Kingdom;

The Countries Associated to Horizon 2020;

Any other South-East Europe (SEE) country not listed above but included in Annex A of the H2020 Work Programme.

Prioritised Countries

Additionally, since one of the goals of SMART4ALL is to support the digital transformation in mainly European countries underrepresented in European funding schemes, by means of cross-border experiments, consortia including at least one member from one of the SEE countries will be prioritised:

Albania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo

Financial support

The FTTE partners will apply for financial support by submitting one joint proposal describing the FTTE and its technical plan and a detailed estimation of the FTTE-related costs.

Financial support per FTTE

The FTTE experiments will be supported with a lump sum of up to EUR 80,000 each.

Financial support per FTTE partner
Every FTTE partner can receive a maximum financial support of EUR 60,000.

Apply here
Guide for applicants

For time line of the calls pls. refer to…

Cross Domain Technology Transfer Experiments (CTTE), more..

Regional webinar for the 3rd CTTE Open Call (Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian language)

Complex multidisciplinary transfers and productization of novel CLEC CPS and the IoT technologies to wider markets.
Expected duration: short-term (12 months)
Scheme: Three (3) entities from at least two different EU Countries (at least one SME; the experiment should be led by the SME)
Budget: up to 80,000 € to cover staff, travel and equipment.

The conditions the same like for KTE and FTTE, more

The 3rd #SMART4ALL #OpenCall on Cross-domain Technology Transfer Experiments (#CTTE) is now open!

Cross-domain Technology Transfer Experiments (#CTTE) are short-term duration (6-9 months) Pathfinder Application Experiments between 3 different entities from at least two different eligible countries that will be supported with a lump sum of up to EUR 80,000.

CTTEs are focusing on one of the four defined verticals (Digitized Transport, Digitized Agriculture, Digitized Environment and Digitized Anything) and will give the opportunity to form synergies, accelerate product orient projects and offer guidance towards successful commercialization.

For the CTTE Open Calls, One Academic/Industrial Technology Provider transfers a novel technology to one Industrial Technology Receiving partner as an early-adopter and then one Industrial Productization partner extends the value chain.

The CTTE proposal submission deadline is January 17th, 2023.

❗️ For submitting your application please visit: 👇

Guide for Applicants and FAQs are available at SMART4ALL Application Kit (

Don’t forget to join us for the latest news and announcements of the project:

SMART4ALL #funding_opportunities #open_calls #CTTE

Join Team

Open positions for high-tech engineers/developers, project managers/assistants and volunteers. Permanently open. Our jobs announcements are very simple. Only real knowledge is taken into consideration. Simply, you need to contact us by email, expressing a wish to work as engineer/developer, project assistant/manager or volunteer (student or others, interested in acquiring real knowledge and experience). Then, we will test your usable knowledge and, if pass, discuss the conditions.

  • Hardware-software IoT engineers/developers. If you want to pursue your career in the fields of Embedded Computing, Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things in a team of professionals, who know their job then you are welcome. Write us…
  • Project assistant/administrator. If you like to work as project assistant/manager, having already experience, or desire, you are welcome. Write us..
  • Young researchers/volunteers. If you are student willing to learn practical things, then it is a place for you. Write us…

Our Activities

MECOnet at 6th SMART4ALL General Assembly – DLR, Germany (13-15 December)

MECOnet met up with other SMART4ALL Partners at the German Aerospace Center, DLR for the 6th and final General Assembly.

MECOnet presented its work as the leader of WP3 as well as its internal PAE success story.

All open topics and lessons learned were addressed, project impact was evaluated in reference to tangible results and KPIs, while we had fruitful discussions towards the successful finalization and sustainability of the project.

Representatives from all 25 partners organizations contributed with their insights and showcased their achievements, while on the second day, a Digitized Transport Special session was held with the participation of invited speakers and #SMART4ALL beneficiaries (more to be reported soon).

We are proud of our team members’ commitment and hard work and promise to unlock even more opportunities for digital innovation through the #Marketplace and other project services.

MECOnet&SMART4ALL at Regional Digital Innovation Hubs Workshop (Regional Cooperation Council) (14th December 2023)

MECOnet was proud to present the Smart4All project on the Regional Digital Innovation Hubs Workshop organized by Regional Cooperation Council – RCC in Podgorica, December 14th. ✴️

The project Smart4All and its #marketplace had been presented to an audience of regional DIH’s and other ecosystem actors, within a session dedicate dto “DIHs networks & available opportunities”

The session we aimed to support the integration of DIHs of Western Balkans in the European innovation communities and pan-European DIH networks. During this event, participating DIHs gained knowledge of the current European innovation landscape and the different services and opportunities offered by the pan-European DIH networks, and among them, the Smart4All project.

The present audience displayed great interest to the funding and matchmaking opportunities Smart4ALL provides, many of them joining the Smart4ALL #Network and #marketplace

We thank our partners FundingBox for their contribution to these sessions and this event.

MECOnet&SMART4ALL at Marketplace Promotional Workshop for Entrepreneurs (13th November 2023)

Regional #SMART4ALL Marketplace Promotional Workshop for Entrepreneurs was held on 📆 Monday 13th of November (⏰10:00 – 11:30 CET) at 📍 Fakultet tehničkih nauka – Novi Sad Building of the Science and Technology Park (Naučno-tehnološki park Novi Sad).

💡 We invited SMEs and entrepreneurs to visit Novi Sad (Serbia) to attend an interesting workshop, organized by SMART4ALL and EEN Serbia (Evropska mreža preduzetništva Srbije), to discover:

📌Advice on the way to the internationalization of your business

📌Marketplace platform and services towards your digitalization

📌 Case studies of Marketplace use and practical scenarios

This workshop was well attended by a lot of young students and future entrepreneurs looking to specialise in digitized entrepreneurship,because of which the SMART4ALL team demonstrated both how to use the project’s tools (MarketPlace) in order to accelerate their entrepreneurship ideas, also teaching them on example of their success stories how to built commercially viable products. This was done by showcasing MEConet+’s and FTN’s PAE products.

We are also happy to announce that the event was predominantly attended by a female audience, sparking hopes to accelerate digital entrepreneurship within the female demographic, in accordance with the SMART4WOMEN agenda.


Participant list

MECOnet&SMART4ALL at Days of Science and Innovation & European night of researchers – Festival of Science (27-29th September 2023)

MECOnet, along its partner association NGO MANT, participated in series of events aimed at popularizing Science and Innovation within Montenegro, especially its youth. On 28th of December, MECOnet was a guest of the NGO MANT’s “Corner of Biomedical Engineering” which was organized within the “Days of Science and Innovation“, under the auspices of Ministry of science and technological development of Montenegro’s , and it presented its Syntrofos device which was developed within the SMART4ALL PAE experiment. In addition to Syntrofosm other biomedical tools developed by MANT and students of University of Montenegro had been presented.

The next day, on29th of December, MECOnet had the privilege to attend the European night of researchers – Festival of Science in Podgorica,, which was organized by Prona under the auspices of the European Union and the Ministry of Public Administration of Montenegro. On this event, MECOnet presented its Syntrofos device and the SMART4ALL project. MECOnet was a part of the “Kiosk of biomedical engineering” which was s which was set-up within this festival, and which was attended by a lot of young researchers as well as representatives of international organisations and academia, all of whom had the chance to test out MECOnet’s prototype and technologies and become accustomed with MECOnet’s projects and innovative activities.

MECOnet visits ProSmart in Belgrade – Syntrofos Success Story (23-25th September 2023)

MECOnet continued its collaboration with ProSmart LLA from Belgrade on developing new biomedical technologies, in specific the Syntrofos PAE experiment which is being developed under the auspices of the SMART4ALL project.

In this visit, it has been concluded that the collaboration so far had been a success, producing both a concrete technological solution in form of Syntrofos technology, but also various publications about this experiment, such as those published in MECO2023 Proceedings.

The present parties used this opportunity to finalize the work on this experiment, as well as develop ideas on its further development and dissemination and usage.

MECOnet & FTN at EEN “WB++ event: DIGITALISATION IN MANUFACTURING” (22th September 2023)

On September 22nd, Dr. Boris Antic, assistant professor at the Fakultet tehničkih nauka – Novi Sad, and Mr. Matija Stojanovic of MECOnet presented SMART4ALL #Marketplace at 📌 “WB++ event: DIGITALISATION IN MANUFACTURING” (🌐 online), organized by Evropska mreža preduzetništva Srbije . This was a very-well attended event by circa 50 people, mostly stakeholders of innovation and private enterprise.

On this event, Antic and Stojanovic presented the SMART4ALL project, MarketPlace and opportunities in general.

The presentation can be accessed here.

MECOnet & SMART4ALL at DSD/SAEE 2023 EUROMICRO Conference in Durres, Albania (6-8th September 2023)

✅A Smart4All Special Session has been held on 8th of September on the #DSD/SAEE 2023 #EUROMICRO Conference in Durres, Albania.🥇

👏This well attended session was chaired by prof. dr Dhurate Hyseni from University of Prizren (UP).It was attended by a number of students as well as academia and industry experts. During the session, the Smart4All Marketplace, along with its matchmaking and development opportunities has been presented to the great interest of the participants. Smart4All representatives also MECOnet, #UP and #MUT showcased their internal #PAE experiments developed within the project. 🎯

🏆The Conference, with hundreds of international participants, was the 26th edition of the DSD (26th Euromicro Conference Series on Digital System Design) conference and the 49th edition of the SEAA (49th Euromicro Conference Series on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications) conference, and organized by Euromicro.💡

MECOnet at the 3rd EPS-TIG Hands-on-Science, Technology, and Interface Workshop and the 1st Montenegro Detector R&D for Future Accelerators Summer School (7-9 July)

📢MECOnet attended the 3rd EPS-TIG Hands-on-Science, Technology, and Interface Workshop and the 1st Montenegro Detector R&D for Future Accelerators Summer School (7-9 July), held in Petrovac, Montenegro, where it presented the Smart4All project and its work, including the novel idea of idea of developing products and prototypes.✅

🤝The event is organized under the auspices of the European Society of Physicists. It is organized by the Technological Innovation Group of the European Society of Physicists in collaboration with CERN, the National Institute for Nuclear Energy, INFN from Italy, and the European Laser Research Infrastructure ELI Beamlines, ELI ERIC from Prague🌐.

🥇Experiments conducted by experts in the area state-of-the-art laser technology (from ELI ERIC) were presented, and MECOnet presented its own PAE Experiment after which it showcased the Smart4ALL MarketPlace and Match-Making Services, highlighting all the opportunities it can provide to all parties interested in further mastering their technologies.🎖️🎯

MECOnet at CERN’s 42nd RD50 Workshop on Radiation Hard Semiconductor Devices for Very High Luminosity Colliders (20-23rd June 2023)

🔊MECOnet has participated in the CERN based 42nd RD50 Workshop on Radioation Hard Semiconductor Devices for Very High Luminosity Colliders, which took place from 20-23 June 2023 in Tivat, Montenegro, where it presented the Smart4All project!

🧭During the four day-conference, MECOnet representative, Jovan Djurkovic, presented the Smart4ALL in various occasions to the audience of engineers, project managers, academia and business representatives, especially to those interested in the research projects of CERN-based RD50 Collaboration which are related to innovation, development and production of state-of-the-art practicle detectors.

📌Of particular interest to the audience proved to be the presentation of the Smart4All MarketPlace and MatchMaking Capabilities, as well as other possibilities which the EcoSystem Provides. MECOnet continues to promote and empower the Smart4ALL Community!

SMART4ALL Events at MECO&CPSIoT’2023 Conference! (6-10 June, 2023)

Another successfull year for SMART4ALL at MECO&CPSIoT Conference, as significant SMART4ALL events had been organized within the MECO Conference! 

During the Smart4All Special Session held on 8th of June, internal PathFinder Experiments which the Smart4All Consortium developed during the project had been showcased to the present public by project members MECOnet, University of Peloponnese, Fakultet tehničkih nauka – Novi Sad, University of Prizren and AVN Tech Group! Additionally, on 8th of June, a project dissemination event took place, on which all present recieved the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the SMART4ALL project, most specifically its MarketPlace, Matchmaking and Ecosystem Opportunities. 

Next to the Special Session, throughout the Conference, SMART4ALL partners presented their scientific papers related to the process of the development of their PAEs, which were subsequently published by the renowed publisher IEEE in Conference Proceedings.

Next to SMART4ALL project and partners, this event had witnessed lectures of important actors such as Bosch, NVIDIA, Samsung and others. 

This event was attended by hundreds of atendees from academia, industry, public sector, DIHs, NGOs, start-ups and many other ecosystem players.

More about this event can be found on the conference  webiste  as well as on the following links.

 3rd SMART4ALL Summer School successfully organized! (6-10 June, 2023) 

For a third year in a row, MECOnet has, with the help of SMART4ALL project partners, organized a Summer School within this project, further promoting and pushing its prupose and aims. This Summer School was integrated within the 4th CPSIoT Summer School which is now traditionally held in Budva, Montenegro – in parallel with the prestigious MECO&CPSIoT Conference. 

This year, our participants had the opportunity to hear from most prestigious European and international experts in Internet of Things and embedded computing as well as from various game changers in fields of innovation, research and education, both from industry and academia such as Bosch, NVIDIA, Siemens and others.

Summer School contained four days full of programs, speakers and presenters.

Number of total participants: about 80 (online and in-venue)

Proceedings of the 4th Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things, Vol. IV, 2023
Lech Jóźwiak; Radovan Stojanovic; Christos Antonopoulos, MECOnet 2023. – Available here: PDF

Cite as chapter (example):

L. Jóźwiak, “Green CPS and IoT for Green World,” in Proceedings of the 3rd Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of Things, vol. 3. L. Jóźwiak, R. Stojanovic and N. Voros, Eds. MECOnet, 2022, pp. . 56-157. Available:


MECOnet at the 5th SMART4ALL General Assembly in Lisbon, Portugal (18-19/5/23)

MECOnet attended the 5th SMART4ALL General Assembly which was organized in Lisbon, Portugal. During the General Assembly, in addition to general project planning and synchronization, MECOnet in specific presented the overall state and progress of the project WP3 “Ecosystem Building and Community Engagement” – announcing the future events related to this specific WP, synchronizing and projecting the future efforts. In addition to the WP3 overview and planning, MECOnet also presented the partners with the newest progress on the finalized PAE “Syntrofos”, which included a premiere of the promotional Syntrofos video.

WP3 GA 5 Presentation

2nd SMART4ALL Joint Workshop with other DIHs & SAE Initiatives successfully organized! (27/2/23)

A milestone event of SMART4ALL project was successfully held on February 27th, 2023 in Podgorica (Montenegro), at UpBeat Hub, by MECOnet. The 2nd Joint Workshop with other DIHs & SAE Initiatives, which was offered for both on-site and online participation, brought together SMART4ALL partners with representatives of initiatives that, among else, foster DIHs, enhance entrepreneurial spirit across Europe and support the development of start-up innovative solutions.

Over 50 attendees (students, representatives of start-ups, NGOs, academics and commercial entities) were attracted to the workshop which had an agenda full of interesting presentations in English and local language. More specifically, the workshop opened with the presentation, by prof. Radovan Stojanovic, of a wearable healthcare device to track Covid-19 symptoms, called SYNTROFOS, that was developed by MECOnet and ProSmart industrial SME. The floor was afterwards given to the members of the Montenegrin Association for New Technologies (MANT), Dr. Dimitry Tarasov and Mr. Jovan Djurkovic who gave guest lectures on prototype development.

Assistant professor Boris Antic from the Faculty of Technical Sciences University of Novi Sad (FTN) presented the SMART4ALL project and Marketplace, as well as the DIH and SAE Initiatives in a speech titled “Beyond the SAE Initiative, European Digital Innovation Hubs and SMART4ALL Marketplace”. After this talk, invited speakers from DIH4CPS, Mr. José Ferreira – project manager of DIH4CPS and research fellow in UNINOVA (Portugal), and
the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED), Mrs. Elissavet Pavlitsa – products services & networking director presented opportunities and success stories from their innovation hubs. More precisely, Mr. Ferreira provided information about the DIH4CPS activities and the Ei2Network, an one-stop-shop for cross sector collaboration between SMEs, DIHs and Tech providers, while Mrs. Pavlitsa elaborated on the story of JOIST Innovation Park in Greece as a use case on the entrepreneurial path towards building an advanced innovation hub.

Funding opportunities for SMEs and DIHs were presented by SMART4ALL partners from FundingBox, Antonio Montalvo, Maria Karpilowska, Maria Roca and Anca Marin. In the following session, Francesco Mollinari (EconCult, University of Valencia) and Igor Milosevic (UpBeat Hub, AD Zid) presented the concept of developing LivingLabs, with specific focus on Southeast Europe and transferring successful experience from Western Europe. The final session was devoted to legal matters – Dr. Nina Radulović (Bar Association, Montenegro) elaborated on legal aspects of innovation and products, while Mr. Matija Stojanović (MECOnet) focused on legal protection of innovation and product realization.


MECOnet’s visit to Prosmart LLA in Belgrade – presentation of Syntrofos 1.1. PAE (14-16/1/2023)

On 14th and 16th of January of January 2023, MECOnet’s representatives have attended a series of bilateral meetings with the representatives of Prosmart, Belgrade – in which they presented their newest progress in on the Syntrofos PAE experiment, exclusively presenting the prototype (v.1.1) of the completed Syntrofos device, which is developed within MECOnet’s Individual Pathfinder Experiment of the SMART4ALL project.

After the parties introduced one another to their respective technologies, training one another in respect of the ways in which they could be further implemented and developed in context of the SMART4ALL experiment, the two parties also organized a joint work-session in which they practically experimented with new possibilities through which the device could be finalized and further perfected. After a successful series of sessions, the parties mapped out the following series of actions in regards of the finalization of the product.

Meeting agenda

Syntrofos Presentation

MECOnet successfully presented the SMART4ALL project at the Smart AgriTechnology EXPO “SmAg Tech Expo 2022” (23-24/11/2022)

Smart4ALL was presented by the MECOnet team at the Smart AgriTechnology EXPO “SmAg Tech Expo 2022” which will be held from 23-24th of November online via a virtual booth through which the participants could acquaint themselves with the SMART4ALL 3rd CTTE Open Call funding possibilities as well as the marketplace services provided by the project. SmAG Tech EXPO is the first international virtual EXPO in the Western Balkans region, specializing in Digitized Agriculture and welcoming the top regional experts in this field.

For more information check out and

MECOnet presented the 3rd CTTE and 3rd FTTE SMART4ALL Open Calls at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad (5/10/2022)

On 5th of October, MECOnet alongside Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN) Novi Sad and European Enterprise Network (EEN)- Serbia, organized a Regional Webinar for SEE countries in local languages for the 3rd CTTE and 3rd FTTE Open Calls which are undergoing. The conference was held in hybrid online and in-venue at the premises of FTN, Novi Sad. Attended by a large number of people both online and in person, this event provided all interested with practical advice on how to develop their application and on how to achieve best success in when applying to the SMART4ALL project. After the presentations from MECOnet, FTN, EEN and colleagues from South Eastern European University, the parties present achieved an opportunity to proceed to a practical how-to-write-your-proposal workshop.

The images, presentations as well as the video of the complete event are available on the following link.

  • MECOnet successfully presented the SMART4ALL WP3 activities to the European Commission’s Reviewing Committee! (1/8/2022)

On 1st of August 2022, the SMART4ALL Consortium had its second Review Meeting in which the working point leaders presented the efforts of the project during its Second Periodic Report (Janauary 2021-June 2022). Experts from European Union reviewed the general project effort as well as the particular effort and due deliverables of each of the eight project’s WPs.

MECOnet, as the WP3 leader, had its member Matija Stojanovic present the general WP3 efforts to the European Commission’s expert committee, highlighting all the important events and efforts which had been realized during the second reporting period. The presentation of MECOnet was founded on the project’s WP3 D3.3. Deliverable “Second Report on Smart4ALL Ecosystem Activities” which was previously created and submitted by MECOnet in accordance with the projects schedule. The WP3 deliverable as well as the following presentation were very well received by the Reviewing Committee and had gotten a positive feedback. The same positive feedback was given to the overall project’s effort in general, which in turn inspired MECOnet as well as other project partners to continue their project efforts into the third reporting period as well.

  • 2nd Bilateral meeting with ProSmart LTD, Belgrade for the purposes of developing SMART4ALL PAE „Syntropos“ (12-13 July 2022), Belgrade, Serbia

In the period between 12-14 Jule, 2022, MECOnet representative Matija Stojanovic visited ProSmart LTD from Belgrade for the purposes of further developing the internal PAE Syntropos which MECOnet conducts within the SMART4ALL project. During the working sessions, partners from ProSmart presented in person the hardware solutions which they developed for the purposes of Syntropos experiment in accordance with the guidelines which were previously determined set at 1st bilateral meeting and later mutual communication. After holding a joint session which was also virtually attended by prof. Radovan Stojanovic from MECOnet, MECOnet was given a number of hardware specimen by ProSmart LTD for the purposes of introducing it in further Syntropos development process, as was planned by the MECOnet’s internal PAE development design.

After conducting some initial planning and demonstrations, both teams agreed that the technology performing in accordance with the expectations and that the experiment is moving in the right direction. The parties agreed to continue their communication for the purposes of finalizing the experiment product in the near future.

  • MECOnet’s generated and submitted the Third WP3 Deliverable (D3.3) “Second Periodic Report on Smart4ALL Ecosystem Activities” submitted to EC (4/7/2022)

This deliverable identifies the main activities and presents the most important results that were achieved under WP3- Ecosystem Building and Community Engagement in the second reporting period of the SMART4ALL project which covers the period of M13-M30, i.e. the entirety of the 2021 year as well as the first half of the 2022.

The document can be accessed here.

  • SMART4ALL Summer School and other SMART4ALL events successfully realized at the MECO&CPSIoT2022 Conference and SSCPSIoT2022 (7-11 June 2022)

A series of SMART4ALL related events had been implemented at the MECO&CPSIoT’22 Conference!

The main SMART4ALL event was the SMART4ALL Summer School which was implemented within the SSCPSIoT’22 Summer School, this event has been attended by a number of different project partners from SMART4ALL. It attracted total of 80 people, 41 of which were attendees and 39 of which were presenters. Among these people, 20 of them were representatives of the SMART4ALL project, the rest being representatives of various highly relevant European ecosystem actors were present, with some of the presenters and participants coming even from outside of Europe (Asia, USA). Agendas and archive of the event can be found here.

The second SMART4ALL event was the SMART4ALL Special Session which was held on the 10th of June 2022, during which a series of papers on SMART4ALL Internal PAEs had been presented.

The additional SMART4ALL event was the SMART4ALL dissemination session in which the SMART4ALL project was disseminated to third parties and the general public. More about the MECO sessions can be seen on the conference website..

The list of attendees to each of the sessions can be found here.

  • Dissemination of the SMART4ALL Project at the Fair of European Projects in Podgorica, Montenegro (28/5/2022)

MECOnet participated at the Fair of European Projects which was held on 28th of May in Podgorica, presenting the Smart4All project and its grant opportunities as well as other activities of our innovative center.

The MECOnet booth and the Smart4All project caused very high interest from the participants and we hope that many of them will apply for the ongoing #KTE open call as well as for the other upcoming #FTTE call.

  • Billateral meeting with ProSmart LTD, Belgrade for the purposes of developing SMART4ALL PAE „Syntropos“ (11-13 February 2022), Belgrade, Serbia

Representative of MECOnet, Matija Stojanović, visited ProSmart LTD from Belgrade for the purposes of developing MECOnet’s internal PAE for the SMART4ALL project. The visit was conducted in the period between 11-13 February 2021. The representatives of the two companies discussed the possibilities of transferring technology and knowledge in order to improve the capabilities of the COVID-19 detection „Syntropos“ device through its linkage with specific software and information systems which could help implement this device in clinical environment.

During the first day of the visit, the representatives of ProSmart LTD presented MECOnet with their workflow, previous experiments and their experience in this field as well as the technologies which could be implemented in order to improve the capabilities of the Syntropos device, among which is the signaling system which was implemented in Dedinje Hospital, Belgrade and other technologies.

After acknowleding themselves with the technolgies, on the second day of the visit, a joint working session, which was also attended virtually by prof. Radovan Stojanović of MECOnet as well as a representative of FTN Novi Sad, Zoran Mitrović, was held. On it a concrete technological solution which could be implemented for the purposes of the PAE has been drafted. The parties agreed to continue their research and to meet again in the near future.

  • Metropolitan University of Tirana visit to MECOnet, 29/08/21

Doc. dr Boris Antic in visit to MECOnet, 25-27/08/21

  • Proceedings from 2021 SMART4ALL Summer School on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Vol. II, 2021, link
  • Announcement of The 2nd Summer School on Cyber Physical + Systems and Internet of Things, in partnership with SMART4ALL , June 07-11, 2021, Budva, Montenegro
  1. Call for participation
  • Announcement of SMART4ALL Special Session within 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO2021), June 07-11, 2021, Budva, Montenegro
  1. Call for papers/contributions
  • Bilateral meeting between MECOnet and Faculty of Technical Sciences of Novi Sad (April 01-02, 2021)

The representative of MECOnet, Matija Stojanovic, and FTN, Boris Antic and Zoran Mitrovic, held a bilaterall meeting within the SMART4ALL project on the subject of „Regional DIH networking through the extended COVID-19 pandemic: challenges and opportunities“. The meeting lasted two days, from 1st to 2nd of April in Novi Sad, Serbia at the premises of FTN. The representatives of these two institutions discussed and planned their future cooperation within the SMART4ALL project and the matters through which the project efforts can best be implemented within the SEE region.

Specific areas of discussion concerned the Sustainability Strategy and Business Models of SMART4ALL project as well as the Technology Enablement and SMART4ALL Marketplace efforts, future experiments and the manner in which better cross-border cooperation can be achieved in general and during COVID-19 pandemic in particular. The parties agreed to strengthen their efforts and coordination, especially in relation with the project’s ecosystem building.

Our Latest Newsletter

EEB9 Meeting, 26.03.2021

  • Finansiranje transfera znanja kroz otvoreni KTEpoziv SMART4ALL projekt a Regionalni vebinar (In SRB-MNE), 11. Mart 2021
  • SMART4ALL Webinar on Competitive Proposal Preparation for the CTTE Open Call – February 24th, 2021 • 12:00-13:50 (CET), link1, link2

Presentation1 (SMART4ALL/FTTE_funded_project_presentation1.pdf)

Presentation2 (SMART4ALL_CTTE_Webinar_promoting_quantity_as_well_as_quality_24_02_21)

Presentation3 (SMART4ALL Open Calls, the right funding instrument to boost technology and business development in South, East and Central Europe)

Presentation4 (Official presentation)

Presentation5 (FTTE funded project presentation 2)

  • EU H2020 Review for SMART4ALL, 04/02/2021
  • SMART4ALL awards a total €320.000 to 4 projects in its 1st Open Call on Focused Technology Transfer Experiments (FTTE), Dec. 2020, winners
  • 3rd Internal WP8 Meeting Meeting Agenda, 18/02/2021, 11:00 CET
  • HIPECA2021, Workshop, SMART4ALL: Capacity Building among European Stakeholders, 19-01-2021
  1. Agenda
  2. Keynote presentation of Prof. Radovan Stojanovic, “An appendix to smart solutions in fighting COVID-19”.

WP3 meeting , 17/12/2020 via Zoom 9 AM CET

  1. Agenda
  2. MECOnet’s presentation by Radovan Stojanovic
  3. MECOnet’s presentation by Matija Stojanovic
  4. MECOnet’s presentation by Nikolina Brajovic

SMART4ALL General Assembly Meeting, 11/12/2020

  1. Agenda
  2. Presentation from MECOnet about WP3

SMART4ALL Local (Montenegrin) Dissemination Event with Regional Participation, 17/11/2020, 10h a.m.

Brief description: MECOnet will organize the first webinar on local language for potential applicants originating from Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia and Croatia on 17th of November at 10:00 AM. The webinar is intended to provide local hubs, start ups and SMEs a general overview of SMART4ALL project and its activities. Prof. Radovan Stojanović and Prof. Boris Antić will introduce participants with funding opportunities and the importance of matchmaking in the next period. The special emphasis will be on the upcoming CTTE- Cross Domain Technology Transfer Experiments call that is intended to be launched in December.

  1. Agenda
  2. Introduction: MSc Nikolina Brajovic
  3. Presentation: Prof. dr Radovan Stojanovic
  4. Presentation: MSc Nikolina Brajovic
  5. Presentation: Lejla Gurbeta – Pokvic
  6. Presentation: Doc. dr Boris Antic
  7. Invitation
  8. Take free ticket to participate
  9. Free participation for late birds (passcode: SMART4ALL)
  10. Link to the VIDEO material of the conference

The Webinar was very well visited, thanks to all.

  • Presentations:
  1. Lech. Jozwiak, SMART4ALL Technologies: Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things
  2. Radovan Stojanovic, SMART4ALL Digital Innovation Hubs
  3. Georgios Keramidas, The SMART4ALL toolbox for boosting technology and business development in South, Eastern and Central Europe
  4. Antonio Montalvo, SMART4ALL Open Calls
  • Gallery:
  • SMART4ALL & MECOnet, Task 3.1: Community Engagement Strategy and Model, August 2020
  • SMART4ALL & MECOnet at MECO’2020, June 08-11, 2020: SMART4ALL at MECO’2020 and CPSIoT’2020

SMART4ALL is participating in MECO2020 Conference remotely. Presentation and webinar were sorganised.

  • SMART4ALL & MECOnet, Kick-off Meeting, Patra, January 2020

Our Team

SMART4ALL MECOnet team is composed of experience and young energy.

Prof. dr Radovan Stojanovic

Prof. dr Lech Jozwiak

Prof. dr Veljko Milutinovic

Mr Nikolina Brajovic

MSc Matija Stojanovic

Jovan Djurkovic

Anka Ralevic

DiH Data (Montenegro)

Here we give the selected resources/data, related to Montenegro for purpose of SMART4ALL DiH.


DiH data for Montenegro

Please update above Table and its Sheets regulary.

DiH data consists the lists of the SMART4ALL realted:

  • institutions (academic, companies, civic sector, governmental, NGOs etc…)
  • events and initiatives (conferences, congreses, etc…)
  • scientific aor technical publications (electronics and hard printed in proceedings and journals).
  • other publications (technical articles, magazines, web, off-line, on-line)
  • products (from country)
  • academic or research organisations or groups (academic or research programmes, groups etc..)
  • web pages ( web pages by country interested for SMART4ALL)
  • social groups (facebook, tweeter…)
  • anything ( related to SMART4ALLthat is not mentioned above)

Download evidence table (template)

Dissemination and visibility

Internal Experiments – MECOnet

Country: Montenegro

MECOnet is developing SMART Systems in form of prototypes or final products for:

  • Smart Agricultute
  • Smart Heath
  • Smart Transport
  • Smart Environment 
  • Smart Education
  • Smart Tourism
  • Smart Anything Everywhere

topic: Smart IoT agriculture station

topic: General purpose IoT system for control and monitoring (could be applied in smart everything and anywhere, smart home, smart cities, smart agrculture, smart energy.

topic: SYNTROFOS (Personal Covid 19 symptoms detector)

SMART4ALL and MECOnet fight Covid-19

  • Publications:
  1. Jovan Đurković, Telemetrijska IoT stanica za potrebe precizne poljoprivrede (specijalistički rad)
  2. Radovan Stojanović, Some Ideas How To Make Cheap Portable Mechanical Respirator for COVID-19 Emergency, WORKS in PROGRESS in EMBEDDED COMPUTING (WiPiEC Journal), Volume 6, Issue COVID-19, APRIL 2020
  3. Radovan Stojanović, Andrej Škraba, Budimir Lutovac, A Headset Like Wearable Device to Track COVID-19 Symptoms, 2020 9th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), Budva, Montenegro, 2020.
  4. Radovan Stojanovic, Jovan Kovacevic, Jovan Djurkovic, Treba više koristiti mogućnosti telemedicine u vrijeme COVID-19 epidemije i izolacije, HightTech.ME, March 26, 2020