MECO (14th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing) is a project that has had very successful events in embedded and general computing since 2012. It is an International Scientific Forum aimed to present and discuss the leading achievements in the modeling, analysis, design, validation, and application of embedded computing systems and, in the broader sense, complete computer systems with applications and related fields. MECO is one of the most referenced conferences in Embedded Computing, Cyber-physical Systems, and the Internet of Things. Moreover, MECO covers some other fields related to computing and electrical engineering in general.
MECO provides an opportunity for scientists, engineers, and researchers to discuss new applications, design problems, ideas, solutions, research and development results, experiences and work-in-progress in these important technological areas.
This year, MECO will take place in Budva, Montenegro, June 10th-14th, 2025 in Hotel Budva. Both the place and the venue are loved by the participants of the previous conferences.
Organizing Committee of the upcoming 14th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO’2025) and 13th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things (CPSIoT’2025) has set the deadline for full paper submissions for both MECO&CPSIoT until February 29th, 2025!
The outstanding papers in the extended version will be invited for publication in Elsevier’s SCIE journal Microprocessors and Microsystems, operated by our strategic partner EUROMICRO.
For the authors who are late in the application, or whose research is not completed to the level of a regular paper, MECO gives the possibility of publication in its Works in Progress Session. These articles may be shorter and less complete than regular conference papers, but they undergo a regular review. They are published in our WiPiEC Journal, covered by Google Scholar (not by IEEE Xplore).
For more information about the conference, visit the following website:
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SUBMISSION DEADLINES for MECO 2025 and CPSIoT 2025: February 28th, 2025!
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